Il terzo lungometraggio del regista albanese Robert Budina ritrae le lotte di una donna che, tra carriera, famiglia e morale, ...
The 2024 edition of Toulouse’s Cartoon Forum, the pitching and co-production event for European animated series, ran this ...
The curated line-up showcases a wide range of topics, genres and artistic approaches as well as a diverse representation ...
Con l'ampliamento della sua Market Presentation e la nuova iniziativa Project Pool, l'evento di Varsavia mette in luce le ...
La settima edizione del festival mette in luce le migliori produzioni dell'Europa centrale e orientale, mentre le sessioni ...
The spotlight was organised in partnership with the regional film commissions from Sardinia, Marche, Lazio, Piedmont and ...
Los nuevos galardones, que reemplazan al Premio Nordisk Film & TV Fond, se entregará durante el próximo TV Drama Vision para ...
El certamen de Varsovia, que agranda su Market Presentation y presenta Project Pool, se dedicará a las últimas tendencias en ...
La séptima edición del festival se acercará a las mejores series de Europa Central y del Este, y sus eventos para ...
The spotlight was organised in partnership with the regional film commissions from Sardinia, Marche, Lazio, Piedmont and ...
La 15e édition de ce rendez-vous industrie mettra l'accent sur les pays baltes et le Benelux ; en tout, 15 initiatives ...
With an expanded Market Presentation and the new Project Pool initiative, the Warsaw-based event is shining a spotlight on ...